Help: Water is life
Idea: Perspectives out of necessity
Life without clean water is hard to imagine for us in Europe. But for millions of people around the world, drinking from dirty streams or stinking puddles where parasites and diseases lurk is part of everyday life. As a result, well over 2,000 children die every day from diarrheal diseases – more than from AIDS, malaria and measles combined.
“Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe” is an international aid organization that provides clean water and hygiene in numerous countries around the world. Based on the principle of “helping people to help themselves”, Help meets those affected at eye level and helps them to find simple but effective solutions to the water problem.
Since 2021, “Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe” has been highlighting this vital issue as part of the Festival of Lights and showing perspectives. So that everyone knows what’s going on.
Implementation: Because clean is healthy
Help’s light projections provided an illuminating insight into its work. In recent years, numerous wells have been built, latrines constructed and essential hygiene rules established.
Every euro spent on water and sanitary facilities has more than four times the impact by relieving the burden on the health system. For this reason, the Festival of Lights supported the aid organization’s efforts with an appeal for donations to all festival visitors in Berlin and the many festival friends around the world.
Success: Donating health together
Clean water should not be taken for granted. This message was well received by festival visitors and friends. There was great interest in the topic and a willingness to donate. There were many clicks on the donation form that the Festival of Lights organizers had placed on their website. Speaking of which: the form is still online. Anyone who wants to donate is cordially welcome to do so!