Embassy of the Republic of Singapore – call for talents
Idea: A competition that promotes talent
The Embassy of the Republic of Singapore has presented its country at the FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS every year since 2015. In 2017, the embassy stepped up its participation. Since then, the focus has been on the promotion of young artistic talent combined with the mission to deepen the cultural connection between Singapore and Germany.
Implementation: the message gets through
The FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS team developed a special “Young Talent Award”, which is held every year on the facade of the embassy. In the run-up to the festival, a “Call for Artists” was launched on a specific theme, in which both experienced professionals and young up-and-coming artists could take part.
The themes left plenty of creative freedom. They were intended to inspire the artists. In recent years, they have been “Multiculturalism”, “City of the Future” and “Kaleidoscope”.
The task was to create a design for the facade of the embassy building in Vossstrasse opposite Potsdamer Platz. A jury selected ten finalists from all the artistic designs, whose works were projected onto the building in a show during the festival. Festival visitors watched the show and voted online for their favorite. As every year, there were attractive prizes and an individual award trophy to be won.
To ensure a broad response, the competition is advertised intensively in the festival’s online communication channels and press media.
Success: many competitive advantages
The Young Talent Award has become firmly established. Every year, it attracts many international participants and proud winners, countless photos in the social networks, thousands of festival visitors who take part in the online voting. Plus an enormous media reach, positive coverage of the Republic of Singapore and not to forget: a satisfied ambassador.